Presidential Passtime 3/10

According to The Wall Street Journal President Obama instructed an overview of Bush's signing statements. The administration is being attentive by checking with Attorney General Eric Holder. On Monday Pres. Obama announced a reverse in Mr. Bush's ban on federally funded embryonic stem cell research. This is one of the many items President Obama has overturned since he took office in January.
According to Pres. Obama, "As a person of faith I believe we are called to care or each other and work to ease human suffering. I believe we have been given the capacity and will to pursue this research and the humanity and conscious to do so responsibly." This is an attachment which will take you to the announcement Pres. Obama made with concerns to stem cell research.
I have personally argued for stem cell research in the past, and personally know how important it is to act responsibly when working with stem cells. Cloning is the most common fear amongst the population and portrays a negative out look on the research. I believe embryonic stem cell research will open doors to cure many diseases one of the mot important being cancer.

Stacie Ayala
Journalism 311 student

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