Obama in Orange County

President Obama landed in Southern California today at the Long Beach Airport. He spoke at an Orange County Town Hall meeting today at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Southern California residents were given the opportunity to ask President Obama about issues such as illegal immigration, education and real estate.

Jennifer Muir, Niyza Pirani and Cameron Bird reported from the Orange County Register today, "Ivan Martinez wasn’t sure he’d be able to speak. President Obama was standing on a stage in front of him -- sleeves rolled up from the hot, heavy, stage-lit air -- as a White House aide handed the Costa Mesa High School senior a microphone. 'I want to know what you plan to do about the broken immigration system, and when you plan on doing this,' Martinez said. The crowd erupted in raucous applause, the same hooting and cheering that punctuated much of the president’s first visit to Orange County." Many were on their tip-toes today trying to get attention drawn to them, in hopes of asking President Obama about issues related to their lives.

The Orange County Register also reported today about a gathering of around 35 protesters who were not excited about President Obama's visit to Orange County. Some supported signs saying, " 'Go back home, leave us alone!' said Elisa Mohr, her head titled up. 'Go back to Chicago. We don’t want you here!' " reported Muir, Bird and Pirani.

President Obama's visit to Orange County today uplifted many Southern California resident's spirits, and gave them a better outlook for the future.

Photo Credit: Leonard Ortiz, The Orange County Register

Stacie Ayala

Journalism 311 Student

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