The President and Jay

Photo Credit: Gerald Herbert, Associated Press

Tonight President Obama will be a guest on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." He is the first president to be interviewed on a late-night show. Edward Wyatt form the New York Times reports, "Asked by Mr. Leno if it was fair to judge him based on just 59 days in office, President Obama said Washington 'is a bit like ‘American idol’ except everybody’s Simon Cowell. Everybody’s got an opinion.' But, he said, the American people are in a place where 'they understand that it took us a while to get into this mess, and it will take us a while to get out of it.'"

Jay and Mr. Obama briefly discussed the recent AIG bonus upset. On a side note: The Wall Street Journal reported today on the recent updates about that issue. Edward Liddy CEO of AIG, announced that some of the employees will be returning their bonuses and some of those bonuses were up to $6.4 million dollars.

The NY Times reported that only once was Mr. Obama speechless tonight during his interview. This was when Treasurer Secretary Timothy Giethner's department came up. The interview was not all seriousness Jay made a few cracks at Mr. Obama, but everyone was excited for his presence on the show.
Stacie Ayala
Journalism 311 Student

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