Obama Vows to Cure Health Care

As reported from the Huffington Post, President Obama has big plans to overhaul the United States Health Care system. Obama's goal is to provide health care coverage for every American citizen, regardless of income or status.

Obama has called together 120 people consisting of doctors, patients, business owners, insurers and drug industry representatives to provide wide-ranging perspectives on how to improve the United States health care system that currently leaves 48 million people uninsured. Obama expects this reform to be a bipartisan effort, although his goals are to have new legislation by the end of this year. In addition, the White House is planning to hold more health care events around the country to help in structuring the reform. 

This seems like one of the first major issues where bipartisanship will play a factor, with both Democrats and Republicans looking to improve this effort. The GOP however, is still looking for the end result to be less government-run with balanced coverage expansions. 

A move to a European-style health care system would greatly benefit the United States. As a country, the U.S. has struggled to provide affordable and reliable coverage. This simply needs to change. President Obama has made clear that he wants change and he wants it now. 

This particular article had more of a feature story lead, but clearly indicated the issues throughout. The sufficient use of quotes from Obama, Democrats, and Republicans alike gave great perspective on this critical topic while the supplementing facts provided immediacy to what the current situation is. 

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