Obama 3/13

Today the New York Times reported that President Obama is considering Texas Governer Rick Perry's request to send troops to the southern border. This is due to the drug violance which has been seriously escalating over the past year. The following link will take you to the New York Times website. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/14/us/politics/14border.html?_r=1
The Wall Street Journal discussed today President Obama's views on protecting the nations food supply. According to Jane Zhang of the Wall Street Journal, "Mr. Obama said he as instructed the Agricultural Detartment and the Department of Health and Human Services 'to work to come up with a plan so that a lot of these different agencies that have some jurisdiction over food safety are interegated in a much more effective way and things areen't falling through the cracks.' He also said there's work to be done 'with food producers so that there are better warning signals of potential problems than we have right now.'"

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