How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

Photo Credit: Associated Press

As reported from The New York Times, a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff declared that Iran has accumulated enough uranium that with further purification could be used to build an atomic bomb. 

Now what does this mean for President Obama and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates?

It's time to speed up the peace talks with Iran. 

Obama came into the presidency looking to negotiate peaceful talks with Iran.  It appears that although Iran claims that its nuclear program is strictly meant for peaceful pursuit of energy supplies, no one would like to anger the country with the potential to build a weapon of mass destruction. Plain and simple; a happy Iran is a peaceful Iran. 

Although I do find it very curious that if Iran is seriously building its nuclear weapons program based on providing energy supplies, then why did Iran understate by a third, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, the amount of Uranium it had enriched? 

This entire fiasco seems to have a steady resolution, but as history has showed us, countries in an arms race never fall back. It appear to be a quasi-love-triangle from Iran, Russian, and the United States. Let me try to break it down for you. 

Since Iran has begun implementing their nuclear weapons development, the United States has planned to build missile sites in Poland and the Czech Republic in order to stabilize a potential Iranian attack. On the other end, Russia seemingly believes that the United States is planning to build those sites in order to limit Russia's expanding nuclear proliferation. This results in Russia bolstering their arsenal, leaving all three countries amounting unnecessary artillery. 

This is where it gets interesting. Russia has a stronger bond with Iran than the United States does, so here is where President Obama and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates come into play. Using simple bargaining strategies, Obama is proposing to cease their European missile ventures under the condition that Russia talks with Iran and persuades them to cut their nuclear research. As a result, Russia would stop their nuclear development, resulting in three happy countries and one less stressed world. 

It is critical that President Obama uses his position as the leader of the free world and initiate bonds with countries historically seen as enemies. Maybe if Obama could negotiate friendly interaction, we could live in a world without nuclear bombs. No one needs another Hiroshima or Pearl Harbor, let's keep it clean and safe. 

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