Reaganomics: Meet Obamanomics

Photo Credit: Win McNamee/Getty Images

The Los Angeles Times has reported that President Barack Obama's $3.55 trillion budget dawns a new era of politics not seen since the Reagan Administration of the 1980s. An era of greater government intervention seems to be approaching, with Obama looking to break with the conservative principles that have been the standard in the last decade.

This could be effective, as Obama aims to involve the government in specific areas like education, where the government could provide loans to students at a far less rate than private lenders that control the field.

Although President Obama strives for bipartisanship, it appears that he has now began to spend his "political capital," by using the overwhelming majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives and Senate in order to pass legislation. The $787 billion economic stimulus bill is a prime example.

Approval rates are still high, as a recent Gallup poll reported that 67% of Americans approved the way he was handling the stimulus bill.

This article effectively explained what it sought out to do, in explaining the dramatic changes the Obama administration has implemented, moving away from trickle-down economics, and heading towards big government intervention. There is a lot of criticism against this plan, but I believe that government aid in critical areas will benefit our nation in the long run. Only time will tell how Obama's plan effects the nation, but either way our economy needs help, and at least there is action taking place to combat this historic recession.

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