Obama Sets Date to End Iraq War

Photo Credit: The Associated Press

A new era of diplomacy in Iraq will begin Friday, after President Obama signed for troops
to cease all combat operations within the next 18 months. Obama made his feelings
very clear regarding ending this war.

"By August 30, 2010, our combat missions in Iraq will end," Obama said.

Obama's plan is to leave the majority of the troops in Iraq throughout
the rest of this year, then proceeding to implement an exit strategy, which
would leave approximately 35,000 to 50,000 troops to support counter-
terrorism responsibilities.

The president was in North Carolina Friday, discussing with troops the logistics of the exit strategy and what his plans are. Obama felt as if the United States has aided Iraq the best it could, and it is now up to them to pave their own destiny. Obama also noted that the United States intends to focus its attention mainly of Afghanistan and fighting terrorism and extremism.

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