Bloomberg's Take

Bloomberg, for those who don't know, is a market oriented news/advising corporation.

Bloombergs words for the economy

The report from Bloomberg on the economy is that Obama is reversing the Reagan mantra of big government can't succeed and that Obama is effectively stunting the economy's growth.

Bulls and bears all accounted for, our economy has been growing at about 3% for the past couple of decades. to under 2%.

“We are lowering the speed limit for safe economic growth in the U.S.,” says El-Erian, of Pacific Investment Management Co, who manages the world’s biggest bond fund. “We’re going from somewhere near 3 percent to probably just below 2 percent.”

The numbers

Counting off the numbers of Obama's first 100 days.

Interesting notes, 6 pieces of legistlation have been signed, the same number of appointees who have had tax woes.

Obama has met with 44 foregn leaders and visited 12 different states.

More numbers from Reuters

Aiding the streets?

The poor neighborhoods where Obama "organized" as a community organizer are giving giving Obama failing grades.

Of all of the money that Obama has given out, none of it has gone to programs liek CeaseFire and Black Star.

United Press International

Interesting statistic. Of 80 kids who had to be cut out of Black Star for lack of funding, three have been killed in street violence.

First 100 Days, a Unique opportunity

Barack Obama has been granted a unique opportunity.

Due to reasons real or not, George W. Bush has made being liberal the trendy thing to do. Conservatives, such as Karl Rove agree with this statement.

Politics Daily Story

Obama is sure to pounce on this and America will forever be altered. The amount of money, legislation and promise that Obama has been pulling out in his first couple of months is staggering. Trillions of dollars in spending, bailouts, healthcare, and the like.

Republicans are scared that Obama may be destroying the American dream. Other pundits claim that the rugged individualism that has promoted American Innovation is already in the process of dieing and moving towards big government won't help.

Time will tell what happens once everything shakes out.

Earth Day

Obama is using the symbolic importance of Earth Day to discuss a new energy plan.

What Here? Yes!

He visited Newton Iowa to tour a wind plant the town has established to create jobs.

Then he is off to Sicily to talk with world leaders about creating jobs with green technology.

Fidel Castro

Fidel released an essay in which he said Obama misinterpreted Raul Castro's declaration of goodwill.

Story Here

After Raul said they (cuba) would talk about everything, Obama said Cuba should release some political prisoners and lower taxes on remittances.
The Obama stance on Israel is finally here. According the the AP.

2 states,

"A two state solution is the only solution."

Protests, killings, failed killings resulting in the killers getting killed. Envoy George Mitchell is Obama's point man in Israel and he sat down with a representative from each faction today (Friday). The border's would be redrawn to the pre 1967 borders as somewhat of a compromise. Israel really doesn't want to, but Palestinians would be more than happy with those borders.

Rich Man Obama

Obama doesn't really need his presidential salary, his book sales are doing just fine.

$2.6 MILLION DOLLARS! Thats the news folks, don't wear it out.

The money supply is what he made in 2008 while on the campaign trail from his two books "The Audacity of Hope" and "Dreams from My Father".

Obama Your Mama

Obama took a little trip to Mexico this week, and he said some things and talked to some people. But the Mexican press wasn't left satisfied.

Obama was a nice guy on his trip and he said nice things to nice people, but he didn't say very much in the way of substance, and nearly every Mexican news source picked up on it.

Obama will speak at ASU

President Obama will make his first commencement speech as president at Arizona State University on May 13. The announcement of the commencement speech came after a controversy involving Obama and a honorary ASU degree.

ASU declined to credit Obama with a honorary degree because they say his body of work is yet to come. They only give out honorary degrees to people they believe have made contributions to society.
Photo Credit:

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

Churches Trying to Land Obama

Washington D.C. churches have been attempting to win over President Obama and his family. Churches of all colors and sizes have been pleading their cases to the first family. Obama says that he plans on auditioning different churches before he decides on his spiritual home.

Both predominately white churches and predominately black churches want Obama in attendance on Sundays. Obama's aids say that he isn't limiting his choices to the largest, most popular churches, instead opening his options up to all local churches.

Obama will pick his church carefully because of the negative attention he received for comments made by his former pastor Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.
Photo Credit: Associated Press

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

Glimmers of Hope

President Obama said he sees glimmers of hope for the United States economy. He met with senior economic advisers in Washington on Friday, and he came out with an optimistic attitude.

Obama saw progress in efforts to stabilise the U.S. housing market, unlock stalled lending and aid the major banks in need of a bailout. He said that he still feels like there is a lot of work to do to fix the economy and that the recession has put severe stress on the economy.

Lawrence Summers, senior economic advisor to President Obama, was in attendance for the meeting in Washington. He sees an end to his recession coming soon. "I think we can be reasonably confident that that is going to end within the next few months, and we will no longer have that sense of a free fall," said Summers.

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

Obama Asks for More Money

President Obama plans on asking Congress for an additional $83 billion to fund the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. He believes it will be enough to fund the war through the rest of 2009 and he would like for the additional funding to be given by the end of September.

The total cost of the war is steadily approaching $1 trillion dollars, with the majority of the cost going to the fight in Iraq. Obama does plan on backing off in Iraq and shifting focus on Afghanistan. He will start pulling troops out of Iraq in the next few months and sending them over to Afghanistan.

$75 million will go to military troops and reinforcements while the rest will be spent on government agencies and rebuilding Iraq.

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

Illegal Immigrants Becoming Legal

There is new hope for illegal immigrants in their quest to become citizens of the United States. President Obama has plans to reform the immigration system in the U.S. to make it easier for illegal immigrants to become a legal U.S. citizen.

Obama's plan of reform will not be released until May but it is clear what his goal is. He plans on reforming the policy to a "policy reform that controls immigration and makes it an orderly system,” said the official, Cecilia Muñoz, deputy assistant to the president and director of intergovernmental affairs in the White House.

When Obama was campaigning for office earlier last year, he promised to implement an immigration legislation system that would make citizenship possible for an estimated 12 million immigrants. He has admitted that the state of the economy will make this bill harder to pass.

Opponents of this bill say that it is wrong for Obama to legalize 12 million illegal immigrants when so many Americans are already out there looking for jobs.

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

Obama Visits U.S. Troops in Iraq

President Obama visited United States troops stationed in Iraq on Tuesday and he was met with affection from the crowd. A member of the crowd even shouted "I love you" to which Obama replied, "I love you too."

Obama told the troops that it was time for a transition in Iraq. He said it was time for Iraq to take responsibility of their country. He also praised the troops by saying they gave Iraq "an opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country."

This comes after Obama revealed a 19 month exit strategy for Iraq. He does plan on keeping at least 50,000 troops in Iraq even after the 19 months.

While in Iraq, Obama met with the Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki. During their meeting, Obama suggested that al-Maliki should try to include Sunnis into the government.
Photo Credit:

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

Obama Reaches Out to Turkey

President Obama was in Turkey on Monday to deliver a speech to Turkey's Parliament. Obama expressed his desire for the United States to build a positive relationship with Islam and he has decided to start in Turkey.

Turkey is seen as being a perfect place for the U.S. to start. Turkey recently went through a political power shift that landed a new group of elites in office. The old regime was a secular while the new one incorporates Islam into the government. Turkey's new Prime Minister is Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Obama spoke to both the old and new regime during his speech. He talked about wanting to establish a strong and secular democracy in Turkey. Obamas vision of a strong and secular democracy seemed to please both regimes.

Sedat Ergin, the editor of Milliyet, a newspaper in Turkey that has questioned the new regimes religous roots, saw Obama's speech as a step in the right direction. “The most important part of his speech was the emphasis on the secular democratic structure in Turkey. He won back hearts of the secular circles in Turkey," said Ergin.

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

North Korean Missle Launch

North Korea had the world watching Sunday when they launched a long range rocket. The rocket is called the Taepodong 2, and it was launched from a military base in the northeastern part of North Korea.

The launch was viewed as a failure by North Korea despite the rockets ability to clear Japanese airspace. The Taepodong 2 was attempting to enter into Earth's orbit.

President Obama made strong comments regarding the rocket launch. Obama called the launch "a clear violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, which expressly prohibits North Korea from conducting ballistic missile-related activities of any kind."

Obama also called the launch a provocative act while saying North Korea ignored its international obligations, rejected unequivocal calls for restraint, and further isolated itself from the community of nations. He also urged North Korea to refrain from further provocative actions.
Photo Credit:

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

GOP Questions Obama's Economic Plan

The GOP is questioning whether President Obama's economic plan will help or hurt the economy. The main argument made by Republicans is that Obama's plan will hurt future generations.

Rep. Paul Ryan admitted that Obama was given a bad situation to work with. Ryan sees the plan as being a quick fix that will hurt the economy in the long run.

"Put simply: the Democrats’ budget spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much from our kids and their kids. … Their budget puts all the sacrifice on future generations. It makes no tough choices. It’s only tough on our children and grandchildren," said Ryan.

Obama's $3.5 trillion budget was passed by the Senate earlier this week.

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student

Obama's Census Pick

President Obama made a controversial pick on Thursday for the next census director. Robert M. Groves, 60, was selected as the census director and will conduct the 2010 census.

The census is used to determine the number of seats each state gets in the House of Representatives and to allocate federal money.

Groves is very experienced in this field. He was the Census Bureau assosiate director of statistical design from 1990 to 1992 and he has been researching ways to improve research response rates for decades. The senate must still vote and confirm Obama's pick before Groves will offically be the census director.

Many Republicans in the House of Representatives disapproved of the selection. "We will be watching closely to ensure the 2010 census is conducted without attempting... statistical sleight of hand," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio),0,4840650.story

Steve Lyons
Journalism 311 student